
young artists


Ley Natural – Naturgesetz

A German-Colombian theatrical dance project.
A way to nature.

In 2022, the Young Artists were able to realize a very special project in cooperation with the Institución Educativa Las Palmas in Envigado, Colombia. The annual dance theater piece was created within a youth encounter between six young people from each of the two countries sponsored by Engagement Global. The twelve young people CONSTRUCTORES with Augusto Jaramillo Pineda and Ana Cristina López Villegas, participating from both continents, show the project documentation, talk about their experiences and also present the piece "Ley Natural - Naturgesetz" in streaming, which was shown live in November 22 in the Schwankhalle.

Dance connects continents and enables intensive, unifying insights. During the summer vacations of 2022, six young people from Bremen traveled to Colombia to experience nature, a new together with six young people from Columbia. They visited projects of the indigenous "guardians of nature" in order to consciously question the need for consumption. Some of these questions were: Where do we come from? Is our planet really 'our' planet? And for what purpose do we consume?

The return visit to Germany followed in fall. This was a change of perspective for all twelve. Jungle or urban gardening - the confrontation with what we are, with the world’s civilized relationship to Mother Earth to all living things, turned out to be an intensive process that the twelve young people courageously faced. During project, they worked with the sustainability goal "Life on Land" - one of the 17 goals of the United Nations.

Under the direction of Augusto Jaramillo-Pineda and Ana Cristina López Villegas, a multifaceted performance was created with elements of documentary, drama and different dance styles such as hip-hop, video clip dancing and Latino power.

A piece full of dynamics that concerns us all.

A project of steptext dance project with I.E. Las Palmas (Colombia).

The project CONTRUCTORES is supported by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL with funds from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and by the start JUGEND KUNST STIFTUNG BREMEN.

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